The construction of the cooling tower foundation will last unit mid-November, and will be followed by the construction of its bowl. Major assembly of boiler framework will begin in late August, as soon as structures are delivered to the construction site.
As the General Contractor, Power Machines have so far prepared a foundation for the new boiler unit in accordance with design solutions. Internal services (grid water pipelines, cable conduits) are being reconstructed, the building yard prepared, and temporary power supply provided to the construction site. Builders are also renewing and repairing railways to deliver main equipment to the installation site.
Since the foundations of turboset 4 and cooling tower 4 are technically complicated, the owner/developer and general constructor of the project have decided to engage a specialised firm, Bureyagesstroy OJSC, in these types of work. This firm is highly qualified and experienced in building complicated concrete facilities. The subcontractor intends to employ over 90 specialists on the site, including during night shifts.
Power equipment is being manufactured in parallel with construction work. The manufacture of a steam turbine and turbogenerator has begun. They will be delivered to the site in early 2015. Taganrog Boiler-Making Plant Krasny Kotelshchik is about to complete manufacturing a pulverised coal-fired boiler unit. A unit transformer and auxiliary transformer are being assembled by the joint venture, set up between the general contractor and Toshiba Corporation, in Saint Petersburg.
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