Agreement provides for the Russian Party to become a shareholder of Gamma Tech with 49-percent share with the aim of joint implementation of the project for creation of radiation sterilization centers network in India.
The centers will provide services of food decontamination and sterilization of medical products by ionizing radiation. According to existing plans, centers will be constructed in the states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra. The first two pilot centers are planned to be established in Tamil Nadu.
“Sterilization of medical devices via radiation treatment is just one of the ways to use modern radiation technologies. These technologies can be used in agriculture, as well as for municipal solid waste sterilization and in petrochemical industry. There is demand for radiation technology services all over the world. Currently, Rusatom Overseas is about to finish the construction of two radiation sterilization centers in Russia. And when the radiation sterilization centers in India become operational, we will get a great example of competitive product solution by Rosatom State Corporation in terms of specialized radiation centers not only in our country but also abroad. The centers will focus on sterilization of medical products, primarily latex gloves, decontamination of fruit, berries and other products exported to developed countries”, said Dzhomart Aliev, CEO of Rusatom Overseas.
Radiation sterilization is a physical process of irradiation of medical products by ionizing radiation. Products are subjected to irradiation in specialized radiation technology facilities where gamma-rays (gamma-rays of Co-60 or Cs-137 isotopes) or electron accelerators are used. When electrons go through material substance most of their energy is spent on ionization, which results in destruction of microorganisms. Thus, the number of pathogenic bacteria and viruses reduces. The process of radiation sterilization is the final stage of production of single-use medical products. When done properly, radiation sterilization is a safe industrial process. In order to implement high-level requirements for safety, quality and efficiency, the radiation sterilization procedure is constantly being updated, which is reflected in national and international guidelines and standards.
India is one of the largest producers of food in the world: about 600 mln tons of food products are produced in India every year. India is one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of fruit, vegetables, rice, wheat and peanut, and is among the top five producers of coffee, spices, cereal crops and oilseeds, also having a great potential in fisheries.
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