The reconstruction of UPN-1 allowed boosting the plant’s capacity by 25% - up to 8 million tons of oil per year.
During the reconstruction works, which had been performed since 2012, the existing infrastructure facilities were equipped with new equipment. In particular, two additional oil reheating furnaces, five separation plants of different purpose were installed. Also a terminal separation unit providing the process of bringing oil to commercial standards was modernized.
At the moment Verkhnechonskneftegaz is constructing new technological objects as a part of program on boosting the capacity of oil treatment plant. Inlet separators and oil reheating furnaces are among the objects to be build. Taking into consideration excessive mineralization of crude, new equipment will provide treating the oil of the present commercial quality.
OAO Verkhnechonskneftegaz, Rosneft’s subsidiary, was established in 2002 and is developing the Verkhnechonskoye oil, gas and condensate field, situated in the Katangsky District of the Irkutsk Region. Verkhnechonskneftegaz is also the operator of geological exploration works on Rosneft’s licensed sites, situated in the Irkutsk Region and the East-Sugdinsky area of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to the results of 2013, oil production on the Verkhnechonsk oil, gas and condensate field totaled more than 7 million tons.