The parties pointed out the high organizational level of the International Gas Forum in St. Petersburg. The meeting participants expressed their confidence that the new Convention & Exhibition Center ExpoForum, one of the largest and most advanced in Europe, could become an excellent venue for the 28th World Gas Conference and World Gas Exhibition in 2021.
Alexey Miller and Jerome Ferrier stressed that Gazprom representing Russia in the IGU considerably contributed to developing the global gas industry and increasing the competitive capacity of natural gas in the global energy markets. About 100 employees of the Group widely participate in the activities of the Working Committees and Program Committees as well as the Task Forces of the Union, which has been representing the interests of all the gas market players for over 80 years, promoting natural gas as the basic fuel for the sustained development.
In October 2013 the Company proposed Alexander Medvedev, Deputy Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee as the candidate for the IGU Presidency between 2018 and 2021 and St. Petersburg – as the venue for the 28th World Gas Conference and World Gas Exhibition in 2021. The IGU Presidential elections will take place on October 16 this year at the IGU Council Meeting in Berlin.
The IGU is a reputed worldwide non-profit organization, uniting gas associations and companies from 83 countries. The IGU comprises 83 Charter Members and 42 Associate Members. Russia has been the IGU Charter Member since 1957.