07 Марта 2025 | пятница | 06:04

In the framework of the 25th International Fusion Energy Conference, a technical tour to NIIEFA OJSC took place

Октября 15, 2014

In the framework of the FEC 2014, which is being convened in Saint Petersburg October 13 through 18, a technical tour of the participants and journalists to “D.V. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus” OJSC (NIIEFA, a ROSATOM company) took place.

The tour participants were shown the accomplished components for the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) and the equipment used for their manufacturing and testing.

In the course of the communication with the journalists, Mr. Osamu Motojima, Director General of ITER, has spoken highly of the work performed at NIIEFA OJSC and the input into the implementation of the project both by the Institute as such and the Russian Federation as a whole. “Russia fulfills all its commitments in full and on time,” he stressed.

Mr. A.V. Bychkov, IAEA Deputy Director General, has emphasized the breakthrough nature of the work performed. “The new revolution, a technological one, is under way here, in this city of three revolutions,” he commented.

Mr. Oleg Filatov, Director of the “Science and Innovations” CJSC, NIIEFA OJSC managing company, has noted when answering the question on whether he believes in the ITER success: “This is not a religion in which one believes or not. This is a reality and you can see for yourself that there is work in progress, which is done, in particular, by our company.”

In the course of the visit to NIIEFA OJSC it has been stated that the Russian nuclear sector workers will start the first shipments of the power supply components for the ITER International Thermonuclear Reactor project in 2016. The first items to be supplied for ITER will be busbars. The shipments will be going on until the end of 2019, after which it is planned to start the pre-commissioning adjustment.

Power commutation equipment for the ITER power supply system is being developed and manufactured by the NIIEFA OJSC. It is necessary, in particular, for the plasma ignition in the thermonuclear reactor.

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