This new kind of fuel will allow significant decreasing of the influence of motor vehicles on the environment in the regions where the fuel is consumed.
Production of new fuel type is a result of Rosneft’s large-scale program of refineries modernization. By implementing a new technology, we managed to lower the presence of main elements affecting the environment - sulfur, benzol, aromatic and unsaturated hydrocarbons - in gasoline.
The modernization of Ryazan refining company is being carried out since 2008. As a result of measures implemented, more than a half of gasolines and diesel fuels, produced by the refinery, correspond with the 5 ecological class. It is planned that by 2015 100% of diesel fuels will correspond with Euro-5, and in 2016 all benzenes of Ryazan refining company will be of Euro-5 class.
Ryazan refining company is the largest processing enterprise of Rosneft. Its range of products includes automobile gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel, road and construction bitumen, and other oil products.
Implementation of the projects on construction new processing units, including isomerization unit, short-cycle adsorption, atmospheric-vacuum distillation unit VT-4, offsite facilities, and reconstruction of existing units is underway. All the projects are aimed at improving the quality of manufactured oil products and minimizing influence of production process on environment.