The order was for 74 valve units (gate valves, check valves, and globe valves), some of which are fitted with hand wheels and others with motor drives. As required by the Norwegian end client Gassco and the German design contractor Linde, all valves passed hydraulic tests and checks for volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions.
The UGSF will be part of a new gas terminal at the seaport of Emden in the northwest of Germany. This terminal will replace the Norsea Gas Terminal that has been used since 1977 to ship Norwegian natural gas to Germany.
“We have been cooperating for more than 15 years with the German company Siekmann Econosto through which we have made shipments for construction of the German UGSF. The end client, Norway's Gassco, is a new client of ours. As a result, MSA Plant has expanded the list of clients that opt for European-quality valves from a supplier with more than 120 years of manufacturing experience in this field,” says MSA Management Board Chairman and Rimera Group Executive Director Vladimir Kononov.