The new turbine boasts an improved design and high environmental safety. The renovation will increase the capacity of the hydropower unit from 115 MW to 125.5 MW.
The impeller of the new 5-blade turbine is rated for a higher water flow, increasing the capacity without any additional construction and minimizing idle discharge through a spillway dam (extra power generation). Main hydro generator components have also been replaced, and advanced governance, vibration control and diagnosis systems have been installed on the unit.
There are 20 hydropower units installed at Zhigulevskaya HPP; six of them were renovated before 2010. Hydropower unit No. 18 is the fifth renovated unit under the contact made between RusHydro and Power Machines in 2010. Pursuant to the contract, 14 hydropower units will be manufactured, supplied and installed until 2018. As a result of the renovation, the total capacity of Zhigulevskaya HPP will increase by 147 MW and amount to 2488 MW.
The overhaul of the plant will be completed in 2018. The renovation of Zhigulevskaya HPP is intended to improve its reliability and safety, reduce operating and repair costs, and also increase equipment capacity.
Санкт-Петербургский филиал ПГК осуществляет перевозки в адрес «Южного потока»