The new plant, owned by Origin Wind Energy, LLC., an EGP-NA subsidiary, boasts a total installed capacity of 150 MW. The plant will bring EGP-NA’s total installed capacity to more than 2 GW. The wind farm will generate up to around 650 GWh of electricity a year, therefore avoiding the emission into the atmosphere of some 700,000 tonnes of CO2 each year. In Oklahoma EGP-NA already operates the 235 MW Chisholm View wind farm and the 150 MW Rocky Ridge wind farm.
Construction of the new wind farm, in line with the growth targets set in the 2014-2018 Enel Green Power business plan, required an overall investment of around 250 million US dollars. The project is supported by a 20 year Power Purchase Agreement.
In July 2014, EGP-NA signed a capital contribution agreement with a consortium led by J.P. Morgan hence securing partial financing for the project.
Санкт-Петербургский филиал ПГК осуществляет перевозки в адрес «Южного потока»
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