The workshop participants were 23 specialists from six countries (Russia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Iran and Chine). They exchanged experience and knowledge in internal assessment of operational safety of nuclear power plants. The workshop activities were coordinated by WANO MC’s advisor Dmitry Yablokov and Chief Production Engineer of the Department for Control of Safety and Production of Rosenergoatom Alexander Kornyushkin.
“Today, the Russian nuclear power plants, including Balakovo NPP, are facing a large set of state-level tasks of a scientific, engineering and practical nature. The experience exchange between NPPs is important for finding solutions to these tasks. We are ready to share our best practices in self-assessment of operational safety,” Valery Bessonov, Chief Engineer of Balakovo NPP and acting Plant Manager, emphasized the importance of the workshop topic.
The self-assessment system at nuclear power plants of Rosenergoatom is one of constituents of the plant management system called for to improve safety of the plant operation, assess effectiveness of the existing plant operation organization and to advance it continuously.
Ladislav Kiš, the coordinator of the corporate corrective action programs at Mochovce NPP (Slovakia) called the self-assessment of operational safety a tool of maintaining awareness. “The success of nuclear power plant operation depends on ability to develop, advance and maintain awareness. We continuously maintain healthy skepticism in everything we do,” he noted.
The workshop program included a tour of the industrial site of Balakovo NPP. The guests visited the turbine hall and main control room of Unit 2. “The held workshop gave a possibility of reviewing features of approaches and methods of the self-assessment procedure not only at Russian but also foreign plants. The event was fruitful and held at a high level with benefits for all participants; each of them noted good practices for enhancement of operation of his/her enterprise,” Alexander Kornyushkin, the Chief Production Engineer of the DCSP of Rosenergoatom, summed up.
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