During the hearings the procedure for implementation of the works as well as environmental management were thoroughly discussed.
Participants of hearings approved the implementation of the presented program.
The studies are planned to be conducted during the navigation period from 2015 to 2017, involving two specialized vessels. RN-Shelf Arctic will use the data collected in the course of studies for the development of further plans on project implementation, particularly, when designing a prospecting and appraisal well on the licensed block.
Rosneft pays special attention to the issues of environmental protection in the Arctic region. That is why all the works are conducted using marine mammals monitoring and environmental safety control.
Rosneft received the license for exploration, appraisal and production of hydrocarbons on the West Prinovozemelsky licensed block in 2013.
The block area is 19 thousand square kilometers. Estimated recoverable resources according to DeGolyer & MacNaughton in 2013 are: oil and condensate – 1434 mln tons, gas – 1893 bln cubic meters.