Before the drive rollers were installed, the welder had to repeatedly change position during the process or manually turn over the workpiece resting on supports. The productivity of the pipe spools shop has increased by 15% by eliminating the time costs of this additional operation.
“This project was necessitated by a significant increase in the workload of the pipe spools shop this year. In the three quarters of 2013, we manufactured 157 units compared to 1,327 pipe spools made during the comparable period of 2014. The nearly ten-fold increase is due to long-term multi-tonne orders from Gazprom Group for compressor plant components, and orders from Fortum company for parts for the power units of Chelyabinsk GRES power plant,” says Pipe Bends Plant Executive Director Leonid Malamud, adding: “Even though the pipe spools shop of Pipe Bends Plant has the latest high-performance welding equipment, we are trying to use any opportunity to increase the efficiency and quality of our operations by making minimal point-of-need investments in production facilities.”
Launched in 2007, the pipe spools shop features a modern PROTEUS welding complex. The production facilities have been certified for all types of welding operations, both manual to automatic. The shop is manned by Category 5 and 6 welders, including welding professionals who are authorized to mark the weld with their individual welder's stamps. Pipe spools manufactured by the Chelyabinsk-based plant have been used in such latest pipeline projects as Sakhalin – Khabarovsk – Vladivostok, Bovanenkovo – Ukhta, South Corridor, and others.