Combined tests results proved main electrical specifications compliance to their target values, as well as total compliance of the turbogenerator to the requirements of standard technical documentation. The equipment is being prepared for dispatch at the plant. .
As yet Power Machines have finished the construction of boiler unit foundation and commenced construction of the boiler accessories foundation, also the works on roof reconstruction in the main building are carried out and building yard construction is being finalized. Concurrently the details of boiler casing are delivered to the construction site.
The contract on provision of prime contract services on the second stage of Blagoveshchenskaya TPP construction to a turn-key ready state was concluded between Power Machines OJSC and Blagoveshchenskaya TPP CJSC in December, 2013, in view of the results of tender.
In accordance with the contract terms, Power Machines provide prime contract services in second stage construction of Blagoveshchenskaya TPP. The company will effect construction and commissioning actions and manufacture and supply all the necessary equipment, including the key power generating equipment – steam turbine with capacity of 120 MW complete with own-produced turbogenerator, pulverized-coal fired boiler produced by Taganrog Boiler-Making Works Krasny Kotelshchik (an affiliated company of Power Machines OJSC), along with power and unit transformers produced by Power Machines – Toshiba High-Voltage Transformers LLC (joint venture of Power Machines and Toshiba Corporation).