According to the contract signed in 2010 Izhorskiye Zavody produces primary coolant equipment with VVER-1000 reactor unit for third and fourth power units of the Tianwan NPP. Earlier, in spring of 2014 Izhorskiye Zavody completed production and delivery of a set of four steam generator vessels for the third power unit of Tianwan NPP, and delivered a reactor vessel to the customer in October.
Izhorskiye Zavody also produced and delivered primary coolant equipment for the first and second power units of the Tianwan NPP. The units were put into operation in 2007. Tianwan NPP was built following the improved Russian construction project. The majority of experts recognise the plant as one of the safest nuclear power plants in the world. High quality of produced equipment guaranteed further cooperation between Izhorskiye Zavody and its Chinese partners.
OMZ Group is one of the leading heavy industry companies specializing in engineering, production, sales and service support of equipment for nuclear, oil and gas, mining industries, as well as special steel production and industrial services. OMZ Group’s facilities are located in Russia and Czech Republic. The Group is controlled by Gazprombank.
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