The airline performs regular direct flights departing from Moscow (Domodedovo Airport) to Tokyo (Narita Airport), using Boeing 747 aircraft.
JAL became the eighteenth foreign airline with whom Gazpromneft-Aero cooperates at Domodedovo Airport. According to the results over a 10-month period, Gazpromneft-Aero supplied more than 110,000 tons of aviation fuel intended for refuelling aircraft of foreign airlines in Domodedovo, which is a three-fold increase against the same period in 2013.
Gazpromneft-Aero Director General Vladimir Egorov noted: “In 2014, Domodedovo Airport became one of the growth points for our company in terms of the volume supplied to foreign airlines.Our long-term objective is to increase the share of foreign airlines refuelled both in Russia and abroad, which will contribute to strengthening Gazpromneft-Aero’s standing in the international market for aviation fuel supplies.”
См. также:
Иран планирует построить первый завод по производству синтетического топлива с использованием GTL-технологий
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