After precommissioning and successfully carried out 72-hour load tests the unit was sent to the commercial operation with the relevant act signed. During the pre-commissioning power and vibration characteristics and the pressure under the cover of the hydraulic turbine were checked. All controlled parameters conform to the standards. It is the second turbine of seven turbines, which was modernized by the plant.
OJSC "Turboatom" is performing the modernization of seven ПЛ-20-В-800 Kaplan type turbines installing new runners with the diameter of 8 m with oil-free bushing and improved power and cavitation characteristics at Novosibirskaya HPP. The company also will supply embedded parts, turbine mechanisms, including guide vanes, turbines shafts, bearings, seals and other items.
Resulting from the installation of the modernized turbine, the capacity of hydrounit is expected to increase from 58,6 to 72 MW after the reconstruction of generator the project capacity of the turbine is likely to increase up to 82 MW.
Today, another hydrounit of Novosibirskaya HPP is being manufactured with the shipment until the end of the next year.
Иран планирует построить первый завод по производству синтетического топлива с использованием GTL-технологий
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