The topic of the essay competition aimed at young engineers and scientists is, “Fulfilling energy needs and developing nuclear industry in South Africa”.
Submissions will be opened on the 29th of January 2015 and will close on the 26th of February 2015. The contest is aimed at all universities’ undergraduate and graduate students that are interested in developing the energy industry in South Africa and using nuclear technology in the fields of industry, medicine, biology and agriculture. The contestant with the winning essay will receive a trip to Russia, to visit a number of Rosatom sites.
Students will be asked to address one of 5 topics from an, a) technical, b) economic, c) social approach: «Cost of electrical energy for households: 3 scenarios of different energy mixes in South Africa for the period 2020-2030 and its effect on cost, both in the long term and short term», «What is the maximum level of localization of NPP construction achievable in South Africa and what industries will benefit the most from it in the next 10 years and why?», «Other types of the nuclear technology applications that have the potential to evolve in South Africa and why this would be feasible», «Clean and effective: comparison of environmental impacts of different energy sources», «The South African public’s perception of nuclear energy and the nuclear industry as a whole. What can help shape objective public opinion towards peaceful nuclear technologies?»
The jury panel will include representatives of ROSATOM, research organizations, NWU and prominent South African nuclear scientists. Rosatom and NWU started their cooperation in 2013 by signing a memorandum that includes mutually beneficial programs, such as, cooperation in scientific research work, exchange of specialists, joint seminars, joint text books and preparation of specialists.
Иран планирует построить первый завод по производству синтетического топлива с использованием GTL-технологий
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