20 Января 2025 | понедельник | 23:53

In 2014 Rosneft and General Electric Accomplished a Training Program for the Employees of the Oil Company

Декабря 24, 2014

Rosneft and General Electric have accomplished a training program for managers and engineers of the Company. The project was realized as part of the strategic partnership between Rosneft and General Electric.

Modern challenges of global energy oblige leading companies of the world invest in human development. Rosneft treats this field of activity as a key one within the framework of the Company’s long-term development program.

The joint program of Rosneft and General Electric allowed to over 80 employees of the oil company to undergo a modern educational program on two specialties: technical training and development of leadership competences. The project was realized at sites of Sapphire training center in Saint-Petersburg and in Moscow.

In the course of trainings on leadership competences development, special attention was paid to development of managers’ professional aptitude.

During technical training a practice seminar was held at a plant of REP Holding, where they produce gas-driven turbines of GE Company, localized in the Russian Federation.

The program on sophistication and revelation of managerial and technical talents of Rosneft human potential, realized in 2014 as part of the partnership between Rosneft and General Electric, demonstrated high efficiency (particularly, analysis of program participants’ feedback showed that the knowledge received is already used in the Company’s operational activity). In 2015 it is planned to carry out a session of technical trainings devoted to key areas of the Company’s activity.

The agreement on scientific and technical partnership between Rosneft and General Electric was signed in February, 2014.

The agreement is aimed at development of scientific and technical collaboration between companies, its first stage envisages the creation of two specialized centers: the Application Engineering and Training Center and an educational one, the Research and Development (R&D) Center. The realization of the project will allow Rosneft and General Electric to create a Research and Development site, unique for Russia. An important task of the centers will be to localize equipment and technologies for Rosneft’s needs. A project-based approach to activities of the Research center will significantly boost potential of joint investment of scientific and technical developments, which is a fundamental factor for the development of the Russian economy. Moreover the implementation of the agreement will create new jobs and train high level specialist for the needs of Rosneft and the Russian economy.

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