According to the published decree of the Russian President, the Order is awarded to Nikolai Genin and Aleksandr Dochkin of the Krasnoyarskiy militarized gas safety detachment of RN-Pozharnaya Bezopasnost. The detachment men Aleksey Protasov, Anton Zakharenko and the detachment leader Sergei Tsapaev, as well as the pump operators Konstantin Blinov and Aleksandr Potylitsyn, the engineer of the refinery process installations Evgeniy Oreshin and the foreman Sergei Yarovoi are awarded posthumously.
According to the decree the refinery workers are awarded for their ‘courage and self-sacrifice which they demonstrated fulfilling their official and civil duty’.
On June 15, 2014 a serious accident occured at the Achinsk refinery, which, unfortunately, caused injuries and took lives. Rosneft provided financial aid to the injured and the relatives of the victims. The Company also takes care of all the victims’ families.