Fit-up of second case was accepted by Customer. After pneumatic tests, supersonic test and test of welding by dye penetration method modules were transferred for packing and shipment.
The third case without cooling pipes is under fit-up. Further padding by pipes, its beading and welding will be executed after this final assemblage and acceptance by Customer will take place.
Under Contract concluded in July 2013 OJSC “Turboatom” will implement change of condenser of turbine with capacity 1000 MW Balakovskaya NPP, piping systems of condenser “block-module” type performs using titanium cooling pipes and outer pipe plates plating by titanium. Condenser consists of three cases with 6 modules in each.
As result of implemented works capacity of turbine will increase on 5 MW, also its reliability and economy will be increased. Finishing of equipment manufacturing planned for January 2015.
Команда электрического цеха ЛуТЭКа стала победителем туристического слета-2014
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