1500-R-0001 reactor was produced from SA-387M Gr.22Cl.2 grade steel with 347SS grade steel coating. The reactor is 29 meter high, over 2 meters in diameter and weights 170 tons. US company UOP serves as a license grantor for the kerosene hydrofining unit.
Izhorskiye Zavody and Tatneft signed a contract for production of two hydrofining reactor – a diesel hydrofining reactor and a kerosene hydrofining reactor – in December 2013. Total weight of the produced equipment will amount to approximately 600 tons. Obligations under this contract include production of the equipment and its delivery to the client’s construction site, as well as installation of internal components of the reactors.
Izhorskiye Zavody and Tatneft already have experience of successful cooperation: in 2010, Izhorskiye Zavody produced two hydrocracking reactors for TANEKO oil refining complex, part of Tatneft Group.
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