Cathodic protection was implemented in 864 wells and electrochemical protection was implemented for 625.6 km of pipelines.
Particular attention was traditionally paid to monitoring the environmental conditions in the area of the Company's operations, preventing and reducing the negative environmental impact of crude oil production on all the ecosystems' components. In the course of implementing measures to protect water bodies benchmarks were steadily maintained within the established standards.
Only one chemical analytical laboratory of "UPTZH for PPD" performed 12,322 water sample analyses of surface and ground water bodies during 2014.
Control of the air condition in the settlements located in the area of JSC TATNEFT's activities was carried out in accordance with the approved schedule. 12,716 air sample analyses were conducted during 2014.
The JSC TATNEFT's integrated management system of industrial safety, labor protection and environment control certified in 2006, once again successfully passed a supervisory audit for compliance with the requirements of ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007.
The achievements of the Company in ensuring environmental safety at the oil production facilities in 2014 were marked by awards of the federal and republican contests.
Об экологии месторождений
Команда электрического цеха ЛуТЭКа стала победителем туристического слета-2014
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