CJSC CONCERN TITAN-2 will be responsible for site preparation, for construction and installation works, for development of design & supply of all required materials and equipment (excluding Long-Lead Items equipment) for all facilities of the nuclear island, power generation & capacity delivery complex and all auxiliary facilities’ installation works, for construction of buildings and roads, for installation of utility & engineering networks, for development of the design and supply of I&C equipment, and for site landscape improvement.
Atomenergomash, the equipment manufacturing and engineering division of Rosatom, will supply the main long-lead equipment items for the Hanhikivi NPP, including the nuclear steam supply system equipment. In accordance with the contract, manufacturing and engineering subsidiaries of Atomenergomash will be responsible for production of the equipment as well as developing respective detailed engineering documentation and providing services for supervision of the equipment installation and commissioning.
OKB Gidropress as the Chief Designer of VVER nuclear technology will provide basic design and other necessary services for the nuclear island equipment. Contract with ATOMPROEKT (Saint-Petersburg) for development of Hanhikivi NPP design documentation was signed earlier in October 2014.
Negotiations and discussions with potential suppliers of services for Training of Owners’ Personnel and NPP commissioning works and services will be finalised in 2015.
“With contracting key sub-suppliers Hanhikivi project has entered important next stage of its planned development. The road is fully open and clear for many local companies to become partners for the NPP construction. We have asked our suppliers, first of all TITAN-2, to start as soon as possible direct talks with Finnish and international companies on the wide scope of works, goods and services to be subcontracted locally. Together with Fennovoima, Owner of the project, we will supervise these meetings and negotiations. Rusatom Overseas will share earlier collected information about potential local sub-suppliers with TITAN-2 to maintain consistency on the project“, said Vadim Ryabov, Deputy General Director on Hanhikivi NPP project, Rusatom Overseas.
“Finland has many years of experience working in the nuclear sector. For this reason, specialists of TITAN-2 will perform highly-technological works that require specific skills gained during the construction of the reference project Leningrad II Nuclear Power Plant, and we will cooperate with local companies for all other major parts of the construction works. Currently, TITAN-2 is elaborating the subcontractor selection procedure, preparing the tender documentation that will be consistent with the Finnish and Russian legislation. The documentation will be posted at the TITAN-2 website in the beginning of March. In the end of March, we will open an office of TITAN-2 in Pyhäjoki and will hold the first seminar for the Finnish companies interested in working with us at the construction of the Hanhikivi NPP. Updated information about project implementation by TITAN-2 will soon be available at the English version of the TITAN-2 corporate website, section dedicated to Hanhikivi project, said Alexander Zmikhnovsky, Hanhikivi Project Director, TITAN-2.
Finnish and international companies and firms interested in cooperation on Hanhikivi NPP construction are welcome to contact relevant companies to get information about work organization and further proceedings on the project, as well as bidding processes, procedures and requirements within their area of responsibility:
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