Under the terms of the contract, Power Machines will manufacture and ship to the power plant a stator and a rotor for the two-pole turbogenerator with capacity of 1100 MW. Deadline for the delivery completion is Q1 2016.
The equipment produced by Power Machines OJSC will make it possible to increase capacity of the Kalininskaya NPP’s third and fourth power units from 1000 MW to 1100 MW.
The equipment is supplied to the central reserve exchangeable stocks within the framework of cooperation between Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC and Power Machines OJSC under the programme for renovating and overhauling generator equipment installed at nuclear power plants in Russia. This programme developed with participation of Power Machines OJSC and scheduled for the period from 2010 to 2015 is aimed at ensuring reliable operation of turbogenerators, as well as at increasing life between equipment overhauls under conditions of higher capacity levels.
Under the programme, Power Machines OJSC has already renovated turbogenerators at four power units of Balakovskaya NPP and two power units of Kalininskaya NPP. As a result, capacity of each turbogenerator increased from 1000 MW to 1070 MW.
Furthermore, experts from the St. Petersburg-based power engineering company are carrying out works associated with renovation of generators of lower capacities, from 200 MW to 500 MW, installed at Kurskaya NPP, Smolenskaya NPP, Kolskaya NPP and Novovoronezhskaya NPP. Upon completion of these works, generator capacities will increase from 220 MW to 250 MW and from 500 MW to 550 MW, respectively.