The works were ordered by the branch of FGS UES OJSC - MES Center.
STG will construct two double-circuit overhead transmission lines of 220 kV with total length of 45.3 km. The new overhead lines will go from the Huadian-Teninskaya Combined Cycle Power Plant to two existing power transmission lines - Yaroslavskaya Substation - Tveritskaya Substation and Yaroslavskaya Substation - Tutaev Substation. Therefore, the builders will connect new lines to the existing ones, and the energy will be able to reach the above substations from the new combined cycle power plant, and thereafter, to be transmitted to the regional power energy system up to the end consumers.
Within the project STG will reconstruct 220 kV substations Yaroslavskaya, Tveritskaya, Tutaev. Moreover, power equipment will be modernized at the facilities, new microprocessor-based relay protection equipment and automation devices will be assembled.
The work completion is scheduled for June 2015.
Fulfillment of this project will resolve the problem of energy shortage in the region, providing technological opportunities for economic development and creation of new jobs.
Today Yaroslavl region still experiences power energy shortage and depends on energy systems of other Russian regions. Only 50% of the existing needs are covered on the account of own generation facilities. According to Deputy Governor of Yaroslavl oblast Natalya Shaposhnilova, implementation of the program for development of small-scale power generation in Yaroslavl oblast will allow increasing production of power energy and overcoming the power shortage in the region.
Huadian-Teninskaya combined cycle power plant is the newest thermal power plant, being a gas steam plant with planned 450 MW electricity generation and 306 Gcal/h of thermal power to be constructed in Northwestern Yaroslavl based on the Teninskaya water boiler. This is a joint project of Russian TGK-2 and Chinese Huadian Corporation. The power project based on the advanced technologies will have high degree of efficiency, i.e. 51.5%.
В филиале «ЛуТЭК» началась ремонтная кампания 2015 г.