The visit program included discussion of the issues associated with operation of nuclear fuel, conditions of long-term fresh fuel storage at Temelin NPP and entrance inspection of fuel deliverables to the NPP in Check Republic. In the framework of the visit the representatives of Temelin NPP visited the main production shops of the enterprise and took part in a number of the working meetings. The processes of fabrication and quality control of the products designated especially for Temelin NPP were demonstrated to them during their visit to the production site.
The specialists from Check Republic has been satisfied with the results of the meeting. They made a point JSC MSZ (incorporated within Rosatom fuel company TVEL) is a reliable partner ready for constructive dialogue continuously paying attention to the processes of production effectiveness improvement and issues of the production quality.
According to information of Mr. Jen Bigas, head of fuel department at Temelin NPP, the issues of arrangement of the production processes in the main divisions of the enterprise were discussed in the course of the meetings with Russian partners, in addition the partners from Check Republic get acquainted with the documentation keeping on the work places. «The main production of JSC MSZ impressed us very favorably, everywhere is cleanness and order, the work places are arranged in compliance with all necessary requirements. The production culture is on the highest level. We saw how the fuel elements for our NPP are made, how the quality control is effected. JSC MSZ is a reliable partner and we have long-term perspectives of cooperation with it».
JSC Mashinostroitelny Zavod is the manufacturer of the fuel for VVER-440 reactors for four units of Dukovany NPP and units 1 and 2 of Temelin NPP (Check Republic). The deliverables were started in December 2009 in accordance with the contract of 2006 between SC ČEZ Group and JSC TVEL.
В филиале «ЛуТЭК» началась ремонтная кампания 2015 г.