The same type of machine operates at S.M. Kirova mine since 2011 at #3 underground drilling sector. The current machine has already drilled 85 000 l.m. of solid, setting two world records of daily rate of drilling in difficult geological conditions and increased methane. The new machine is equipped with an upgrade system of spatial orientation.
In December 2014 #2 sector of ground drilling received new a SandvikDE-880 drilling machine. This is the third machine of this kind that will start operation by the end of January. In 2014, ground drilling machine processed more than 36 900 l.m. of solid, where 35 400 l.m. with two SandvikDE-880 machines.
В филиале «ЛуТЭК» началась ремонтная кампания 2015 г.