27 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 15:48

TGC-1 holds Comprehensive Emergency Response Exercise at the Dubrovskaya CHPP

Февраля 25, 2015

Man-caused Emergency Response Exercise took place at the Dubrovskaya CHPP in Kirovsk, Leningrad Oblast with the participation of the company’s managers and experts as well as the representatives of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations Department and those of the Public Safety Answering Point of the Kirovskiy District.

According to the exercise script, a simulated emergency occurred at the transformer house. The transformer caught fire, which resulted in a threat of fire spread at the site of outdoor switchgear. Voltage was lost at two 6 kV in-house sections, and the electric load fell to zero. Thus, the city’s heat supply was disrupted.

At the first stage, the shift supervisor of the power plant and the operating staff followed the emergency procedures. The shift supervisor made a rapid assessment of the technical state of the damaged equipment and determined the time for restoring the city’s normal heat supply in collaboration with the Public Safety Answering Point of the Kirovskiy District. The CHPP Operating Department took urgent measures to switch over electrical schemes and reset the parameters of the operations schedule of load and heat supply to the Kirovsk consumers.

At the second stage, the fire-fighting experts of the Kirovskiy District of Leningrad Oblast extinguished the simulated fire at the site of the main transformers together with the voluntary fire brigades of the Dubrovskaya CHPP.

The results of the Emergency Response Exercise were discussed at the meeting of the Emergency Response and Fire Safety Commission.

“I highly appreciate the actions undertaken by the plant staff and management. While handling the emergency, the CHPP employees and the representatives of contractors of the Kirovskiy Municipal Entity worked as one team”, said Yury Marakin, the TGC-1 Deputy General Director for Corporate Protection. “Such Emergency Response Exercises are very important. Since the Dubrovskaya CHPP is the only source of heat for 24,000 Kirovsk inhabitants, the staff must be always ready to promptly take coordinated actions in case of any emergency at the Company’s generating facilities”.

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