27 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 06:17

The specialists from Kozloduy NPP made high assessment to the production of NCCP

Марта 12, 2015

A scheduled visit of specialists from Kozloduy NPP was paid to Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrates Plant.

«The purpose of our visit is acceptance of fresh nuclear fuel for Kozloduy NPP», – said Mr. Ivan Stoyanov, chief expert for nuclear fuel cycle at Kozloduy NPP. “This is not a first job of this kind for me, I have visited the plant for the seventh time already and I am always very glad to work with my colleagues from NCCP. This is a mutually beneficial cooperation».

The current visit of the representatives from Bulgarian nuclear power plant is of a scheduled nature, it is distinguishable by the fact that the experts accept upgraded fuel assemblies. «The assemblies we accept now have been a bit upgraded: the assembly head has been modified specifically by our request, – noted Mr. Ivan Stoyanov. – We have the approved fuel acceptance program, quality plan, which items describes what this work includes. We look through the whole cycle starting with production of the pellets, fuel elements, production of the frame; accept heads, tails and the whole fuel assembly. We pay special attention to the production quality control, which is performed by both NCCP itself and our representatives from ZAO ZAES. The most important for NCCP is to maintain the same high quality as it is now. Surely, we check all areas but draw special attention to the weld joints and overall production control».

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