27 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 03:25

Open-pit mine «Novoshakhtinskoe» set the coal extraction record in the past month

Марта 19, 2015

In February 2015 the RU «Novoshakhtinskoe» team extracted the record amount of coal. The past month resulted in the largest enterprise of OJSC «Primorskugol» came to over the half million milestone making it 505,4 thousands of tones (405% (plus 503 t.t) over the same period in 2014).

Such a result was obtained for the first time in the history of open-pit mine administration.

Previous monthly production at a maximum amounted to 482 thousand tones and was set in the RU "Novoshakhtinskoe" in December 2014.

The volume of coal sold in February amounted to 504 thousand tons (277% to 2014). The half-million mark for the first time was taken in January 2015 (510 thousand t.).

Since the beginning of the year coal supply to consumers topped the million mark. In January-February coal shipment was 1.01 million tones for the first time, as against the same period in 2014 was 228% (plus 569 thousand t.).

On 4th of February of 2015 the company achieved a daily record of railway car shipment that amounted to 333 units (at the average - 215 cars).

Working records of RU "Novoshakhtinskoe" miners are dedicated to the forthcoming jubilee anniversary of the Great Victory: in memory of the heroism of the Soviet people during the war the Labor Watch in teams of "Primorskugol" is being declared.

Production competition in honor of the anniversary at the company involves performing a month of increased production, shipment volumes increased excavation of overburden, gain control over the quality of produce and shipped coal.

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