26 Февраля 2025 | среда | 23:38

Moderate spring water inflow to reservoirs on the Volga river is expected in 2015

Апреля 09, 2015

JSC RusHydro announces forecast of water inflow to reservoirs of the Volga-Kama cascade for spring 2015.

According to Russian Federal Hydrological and Meteorological Service (Roshydromet) water reserves in reservoirs the Volgo-Kama cascade as of March 30, 2015, are estimated at 99.3 km3or 32% lower than long-run average. Total water inflow to reservoirs of the cascade in April is expected to be 41-61 km3(as compared to the long-run average of 66.3 km3). In the 2nd quarter of 2015 total water inflow is estimated at 115-143 km3(as compared to the long-run average of 161 km3).

Water reserves in snow packs at the Upper Volga are 66% lower than normalIn the 2nd quarter of 2015 total water inflow to reservoirs located on the Volga river is expected to be 30% lower than the long-run average. Water inflow to reservoirs of hydropower plants located on the Kama river is expected to be close or slightly higher than the normal.

Due to low water year of 2014, water level in reservoirs of the Volgo-Kama cascade is almost 15% lower than long-run average. The main aim for hydropower plants during the spring flood period will be to fill in the reservoirs to maximum levels in order to meet the requirements of all consumers during the low water period of 2015-2016. The Uglichskaya hydropower plant has already halted production from April 2 to 5 to ensure safe navigation.

At the same time even given general forecast of flow shortages, certain probability of unfavorable hydrological phenomena does exist. Peak character of snow melting together with rains creates risk of flooding. That’s why preparation for high water season is a mandatory procedure, independent from actual hydrological situation or forecast. The Company implements measures aimed to provide for reliability and sustainability of its hydropower plants during the spring flood period.

All hydro units are operating in accordance with the established regimes*. The hydropower plants continue to operate in a drawdown mode in order to increase the capacity of their reservoirs to receive flood waters. Equipment maintenance timeline is adjusted to have maximum number of units in operation during the flood period.

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