26 Февраля 2025 | среда | 02:32

Proven Guaranteed Performance of HRSG at Kirov CHPP-3

Мая 12, 2015

Guarantee tests were conducted at Kirov CHPP-3 on HRSG manufactured by the Taganrog Boiler-Making Works “Krasny kotelshchik” which is a part of the Power-Plant Engineering Concern OJSC “Power Machines”.

The tests confirmed the claimed guaranteed performance of the equipment manufactured by TKZ.

The contract stipulating development of design documentation, complete manufacturing and supply of heat-recovery steam generator with two pressure circuits providing the required steam parameters under all operating modes of gas turbine as well as supervision over the equipment erection and conductance of commissioning works was awarded within the frames of the investment program implementation by KES Holding Company in the year of 2011.  

Such type boilers recover gas turbine thermal exhausts to generate steam which further enters steam turbine or is used for industrial purposes. This technology ensures high efficiency of combined cycle plant.

Heat-recovery steam generator manufactured by the specialists of Krasny kotelshchik under the license granted by American Company Nooter/Eriksen, formed an integral part of 230 MW combined cycle plant at Kirov CHPP-3, which was put into operation on July 18 of the year 2014. The same equipment for new power units within the frames of the awarded contract was supplied by Krasny kotelshchik at Izhevsk CHPP-1 and Vladimir CHPP-1.

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