This information was reported by representatives of Power Machines OJSC, acting as a general contractor, in the course of a meeting of the construction office under the leadership of RAO Energy System of East OJSC Director General Sergey Tolstoguzov.
Before the meeting, the participants had examined the construction sites. During the visual inspection, representatives from Power Machines OJSC, acting as a general contractor, and Lonas-Technology OJSC, acting as a general designer, as well as from organizations involved in subcontract works, had an opportunity to report on the progress of the construction activities. For example, foundation pouring works completed in the turbine house last month, and equipment installation began, in particular, a 122-ton generator stator has been erected.
In the boiler house, over 1,600 tons of metal structures of the boiler have been mounted. Active preparation to installation of auxiliary equipment, including forced-draft fans, hammer mills and smoke exhausters, is underway. Thus far, more than 90% of the main and auxiliary equipment has been delivered to the site.
Erection of the first layer of the exhaust stack frame completed on the cooling tower construction site. The tower ‘skeleton’ designed to cool service water will have a height of 74 metres and weigh a total of almost 500 tons.
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