25 Февраля 2025 | вторник | 08:34

Eurima calls on EU leaders to Unleash the Power of Insulation

Июня 17, 2015

As hundreds of experts gather in Brussels this week, at the 11th EU Sustainable Energy Week, the European Insulation Manufacturers Association (Eurima) calls on EU leaders to recognise the need for deep renovation of buildings, and central role of insulation in powering a truly energy efficient and competitive Europe.

All major mineral wool insulation manufacturers across Europe have come together to launch a new campaign that aims to raise the awareness towards the EU about the potential of well insulated buildings, and unleash the power of insulation.
“Solving Europe’s energy challenges begins with putting energy efficiency first. Deep renovation to reduce the energy demand of our building stock is one of the easiest, most cost-effective and sustainable solutions to address Europe’s energy, economic and climate challenges”, said Pascal Eveillard, President of Eurima.
With the G7 commitment to stick to a 2 degree scenario, last week’s Energy Ministers recalling the importance of energy efficiency for energy security and reducing the energy bill of European citizens, and the Commission’s latest remarks about treating energy efficiency as an energy source in its own right – it’s time recognise the untapped potential of insulation in powering Europe.
“Insulation is a no regret option to our energy trilemma - economic growth, sustainability and energy security. Any change takes time to adjust to, so it’s important that EU leaders are aware that insulation is a solution available today and can provide immediate and multiple benefits for Europe. Whether its jobs in the construction sector, contribution to GDP, reduced energy imports, lower energy bills or indeed higher home comfort” commented Jan te Bos, Director General at Eurima.
Buildings represent 40% of the EU’s final energy use and some 36% of its CO2 emissions. Through ambitious deep renovation programmes 2 million European local and stable jobs could be created. The buildings sector contributes up to 8% of Europe’s GDP and we can stay on this growth curve if we become energy efficient. Cutting the energy demand in buildings is also a crucial step towards lowering dependence on energy imports and fossil fuels; for every 1% energy saved we can reduce energy imports by 2,6%. Hence, the direction of travel can only be energy efficiency first.

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