24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 20:14

Rosgeologia to search for new promising hydrocarbon features in Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Katangsky raion of Irkutsk Region

Июля 23, 2015

Rosgeologia is to undertake complex geological and geophysical work on the Chunsko-Teteiskaya site under a state contract with the Central Siberian District Department of Subsoil Resource Management, which has commissioned the study.

The main objective of the project is to find new promising features in the areas of Riphean and Vendian pinchouts.

The area to be studied is located within Krasnoyarsk Krai and the Katangsky raion of Irkutsk Region.

Rosgeologia experts will conduct topographic-geodesic work and prepare profiles, based on 1,640 km of 2D CDP seismic surveys, electromagnetic prospecting by seismic profiles, gravity observations, and lithologic gas and geochemical sampling. Historical 2D-CDP seismic materials totaling 1,000 km will also be processed.

As a result, sedimentary cover structures will be clarified using reflectors of the Lower Cambrian, Vendian and Riphean, geo-electrical sections built, areas of high conductivity of sedimentary cover complexes outlined, abnormal haloes of disperson of hydrocarbon and nonhydrocarbon gases identified, and their spatial and quantitative ratios studied. Specialists will create an integrated geological and geophysical model of the structure of sedimentary cover and the upper part of consolidated basement and also identify potential oil and gas bearing features. Studies of the feature are scheduled for completion in 2017-end.

См. также:
О выставке «Энергетика и электротехника» в Петербурге
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