24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 20:40

Rosgeologia embarks upon laboratory-analytical studies of rock of Nizhne-Chonskaya parametric well No. 252

Июля 27, 2015

Specialists from the Kama Scientific Research Institute for Comprehensive Survey of Deep and Ultra-Deep Wells (KamNIIKIGS, Perm, subsidiary of Rosgeologia multi-industry geological holding company) have commenced laboratory-analytical studies of rock in Nizhne-Chonskaya parametric well No. 252.

The well is located in the Far East Federal District, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the Mirninsky region, within Nizhniye Yuktali river basin. The well is being built by JSC SIC “NEDRA”, another subsidiary of Rosgeologia. The project is undertaken under a February 2014 contract with the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use. The 2,200-meter well is sunk in order to evaluate the oil-and-gas bearing prospects of the western extension of the Talakan-Botuobinskaya carbonate platform, to localise the oil and gas accumulations and to identify sections, which are promising in terms of hydrocarbons in the Vendian oil and gas complex in the western monoclinal slope of the Nepsko-Botuobinskaya Anteclise.

KamNIIKIGS specialists expect to obtain integrated lithologic, stratigraphic, geophysical, petrophysical, hydrogeologic, and geochemical characteristics of the section, opened by Nizhne-Chonskaya parametric well No. 252. Geologists are to study the filtration-volumetric characteristics and the fluid content of reservoir rocks, to identify the core propagation patterns of reservoir and impermeable rocks.

“This year we are sampling the parametric well core and conducting detailed laboratory-analytical (lithologic, petrographic, biostratigraphic, and geochemical) studies”, says Viktor Savinov, division head of integrated studies of rocks and impermeable rocks. “The material will be systematized and presented in an electronic data base. All results will be detailed in an information report to be drafted in the fourth quarter of this year”.

Under the government contract, the Rosgeologia enterprises are expected to complete work at the object in 4Q2016.

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