24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 17:07

Knowledge for export

Августа 16, 2015

Belorusneft expert has given a course of lectures on seismic exploration in Ecuador.

Engineer-in-chief of the Department of field seismic operations Sergey Kovalenko at the end of June read a course of lectures on quality control and monitoring of seismic exploration work for the specialists of Ecuadorian state oil producing company Petroamazonas EP, the main partner of Production Association Belorusneft in Latin – American region.

Such a course was the first one in the history of the Republic of Ecuador. It was organized by Belorusneft branch in Ecuador with the assistance of the Department of field seismic operations. During 4 days numerous presentations were shown, including «The assessment of field seismic projects», «Field quality control», «General features of field seismic surveys».

The lecturer talked about drilling equipment, peculiarities of topographic and shooting operations, use of vibroseis sources. The lectures were given in a form of dialogue; upon the completion of the course all the listeners got personal certificates. The management and the specialists of Petroamazonas were very much pleased with the knowledge and the organization of teaching and learning activities. In his closing speech seismic exploration manager of the company Manuel Rivera expressed a special appreciation to the address of Production Association Belorusneft.

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