23 Февраля 2025 | воскресенье | 02:57

ROSATOM presented modern Russian nuclear technologies in Bolivia

Декабря 14, 2015

In the city of La-Paz, Bolivia, ROSATOM held a seminar devoted to modern Russian nuclear technologies. Seminar was organized by Rosatom International Network jointly with the Ministry of hydrocarbons and energy of Bolivia.

The Seminar was attended by representatives of ROSATOM and its subsidiaries like Rusatom Overseas Inc., Science and Innovation, ASE group of companies, etc. Seminar was implemented in order to develop arrangements between the Ministry of hydrocarbons and energy of Bolivia and ROSATOM that have been made after signing of Memorandum of understanding on cooperation for the peaceful uses of nuclear energy earlier this October.

Seminar was opened with speech of the Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy of Bolivia Luis Alberto Sanchez: "Key project in Russian-Bolivian negotiations in nuclear sphere nowadays is construction of the Center of nuclear science and technologies. It is revolutionary project that will make technological breakthrough of the country. Construction of such center opens possibilities in using modern nuclear technologies for the benefits of people of Bolivia and brings huge avail in medicine, agriculture, scientific research. President Evo Morales set a task to implement this center within shortest terms so we thank ROSATOM for all help and support that they are making to realize such ambitious plan".

The extraordinary and plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Bolivia Alexey Sazonov had a greeting word. He mentioned that nuclear energy today is as natural source of energy as other renewables sources. "Application of atom in peaceful purposes is not a Pandora's box, but real possibility for all nations to struggle effectively with oncological diseases, stimulate development of agriculture, contribute scientific potential of country. Literally speaking construction of the Center of nuclear science and technologies with active involvement of ROSATOM opens a new stage of Russian-Bolivian relations", he added.
Seminar gathered more than 120 people, including representatives and management of the Ministry of hydrocarbons and energy of Bolivia, parliament deputes, universities community, leading media of Bolivia and representatives of El Alto community - the place of future Center.
Within the workshop participants were able to get acquainted with the integrated offer of ROSATOM in the sphere of construction facilities for peaceful uses of nuclear energy and expertise and advanced solutions of ROSATOM in application of radiation technologies in medicine, agriculture and industry. Significant attention and interest of the audience attracted experience of ROSATOM in effective work with public acceptability of nuclear technologies. Participants of seminar were acquainted with details of ROSATOM's approach in collaboration with foreign partners in education and personnel training.  Audience perceived with great enthusiasm willingness of ROSATOM to continue and expand interaction in education of Bolivian students in Russian leading nuclear institutes - programme that was successfully launched in 2015.

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