The Vega Pléyadeproject will have a production capacity of 10 million cubic meters of gas per day and will help optimize the supply to the gas treatment plants already in operation in the area.
“Putting Vega Pléyade into production is the result of a successful team work of the partners involved,” explained Thilo Wieland, member of the Wintershall Board of Executive Directors responsible for E&P activities in Argentina.
Vega Pléyade is currently the most southerly gas development in the industry. It involves the construction and installation of a sea platform with a water depth of 50 meters. This platform is connected by a sub-sea gas pipeline with a length of 77 km to the onshore processing installations at Rio Cullen and Cañadon Alfa on the Tierra del Fuego coast.
“Wintershall has been active in Argentina for 38 years. As a partner in the consortium, we are showing once again our commitment to produce oil and gas in Argentina long term,” Gustavo Albrecht, Managing Director of Wintershall Energía in Argentina explained.
In Tierra del Fuego, Wintershall Energía with its partners in the CMA-1 Consortium is active in the Ara and Cañadon Alfa onshore fields as well as the offshore fields at Hidra, Kaus, Argo, Carina, Aries and Vega Pléyade.
As the fourth-largest natural gas producer in the country, Wintershall Energía plays an important role in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas in Argentina. The company has been active in Argentina since 1978 – with natural gas production as the main area of its activities. Wintershall Energía has working interests in 15 oil and gas fields with an annual production of 26 million barrels of oil equivalent (boe). The greatest share of production comes from the offshore fields off the coast of Tierra del Fuego.
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