20 Февраля 2025 | четверг | 22:40

Compressor system manufactured by Kazancompressormash is put into operation at LUKOIL’s refinery

Апреля 07, 2016

The compressor system manufactured by Kazacompressormash (HMS Group) has been put into operation on the advanced oil refining complex at LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez.

The centrifugal compressor system 5GC1-300/2-12.5 with 26,000 Nm³/h capacity, 11.3 bar discharge pressure and 6.25 compression ratio is intended for compression of unstripped gas as a part of the new delayed coking processing line.

The system is equipped with «dry» gas dynamic seals and up-to-date 3,500 kW electrical motor with soft start device. Application of gas dynamic seals control rack provides automatic adjustment of buffer gas feeding while flow path design based on high efficiency stages ensures high parameters of compression ratio.

Earlier in 2014-2015 three complete gas compression systems for compression of dry stripped gas as well as the centrifugal compressor system for compression of dry hydrocarbon gas manufactured by Kazancompressormash were successfully put into operation at LUKOIL-Permnefteorgsintez.

The HMS Group is one of the leading in Russia and the CIS manufacturer of pumps, compressors and skid-mounted oilfield equipment for oil & gas, nuclear and thermal energy, and water supply & sewage disposal sector, as well as provider of integrated solutions. The HMS Group’s global depositary receipts (“GDRs”) are listed under the symbol “HMSG” on the London Stock Exchange.

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