07 Марта 2025 | пятница | 05:44

Efficient Technology of TatNIPIneft

Декабря 14, 2018

The technology of using microdispersed silicate gel (MDS) developed by TATNEFT Company’s TatNIPIneft experts allowed producing additionally more than 250 thousand tonnes of crude oil.

The use of surface-active substances (surfactants) and polymers that contribute to enhanced oil recovery is one of the areas of the TatNIPIneft scientific activity.
Crude oil production with application of MDS technology occurs through blocking highly permeable watered interlayers with the subsequent redistribution of injected water into low-permeability oil-saturated reservoirs that are not covered by water-flooding.

The silicate gel itself is a dense homogeneous translucent mass of light gray tint, obtained from sodium silicate. Preparation of the gel is carried out at the wellhead using the UPSG-1 installation, which was also designed by the experts of the Institute.

The resulting silicate gel is fed to a jet pump, where the dispergation (fine grinding of solids or liquids, resulting in otaining powders, suspensions, emulsions) takes place . The prepared microdispersed silicate gel is pumped from the intermediate tank into the injection well.

Currently, there are more than 100 wells at TATNEFT facilities treated with application of MDS technology. The additionally produced crude oil amounted to more than 250 thousand tonnes during the period of the technology application. The additional oil production amounted to 2,300 tonnes per treatment.

The MDS technology developed by the scientists of the Institute is distinguished by the availability and relative cheapness of primary components, environmental friendliness, and the stability of the silicate gel under the wide range of temperature and pressure conditions.

Today, the technology has undergone three modifications and is widely used in the fields of NGDU "Aznakayevskneft", NGDU "Almetyevneft", NGDU "Bavlyneft", NGDU "Dzhalilneft" and NGDU "Elkhovneft".

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