25 Апреля 2024 | четверг | 02:36

Emissions trading: greenhouse gas emissions reduced by 8.7% in 2019

Мая 27, 2020

Emissions of greenhouse gases from all operators covered by the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in 2019 reduced overall by 8.7%[1] compared to 2018 levels, as a result of 9% decrease of emissions from stationary installations and a 1% increase of emissions from aviation.

Despite the difficult economic situation due to COVID crisis, industry, power sector and aviation have fulfilled their climate obligations.
The reduction of greenhouse gases emissions in 2019 took place in the context of a growing EU economy (EU 28 GDP growth of 1.5% in 2019[2]). The biggest reduction was achieved in the power sector with a decrease of 15% reflecting decarbonisation from coal being replaced by electricity from renewables and gas-fired power production. Emissions from industry decreased by 2%. Emission reductions have been observed in most industrial sectors, including production of iron and steel, cement, chemicals and refineries.
Installations’ and aircraft operators’ level of compliance with the EU ETS is very high: more than 99% of emissions covered by allowances from the total stationary installations reported emissions. Non-compliant installations are typically small.
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