23 Декабря 2024 | понедельник | 01:16

Chevron announces record profit in 2022

Января 30, 2023

Chevron reported full-year 2022 earnings of $35.5 billion ($18.28 per share - diluted), compared with $15.6 billion ($8.14 per share - diluted) in 2021. Adjusted earnings of $36.5 billion ($18.83 per share - diluted) in 2022 compared to adjusted earnings of $15.6 billion ($8.13 per share - diluted) in 2021.

Fourth quarter earnings of $6.4 billion; adjusted earnings of $7.9 billion.Return on capital employed of 20.3 percent in 2022.
Record annual cash flow from operations of $49.6 billion and free cash flow of $37.6 billion in 2022
Chevron Corporation reported earnings of $6.4 billion ($3.33 per share - diluted) for fourth quarter 2022, compared with $5.1 billion ($2.63 per share - diluted) in fourth quarter 2021. Included in the current quarter were $1.1 billion of international upstream write-off and impairment charges, and pension settlement costs of $17 million. Foreign currency effects decreased earnings by $405 million. Adjusted earnings of $7.9 billion ($4.09 per share - diluted) in fourth quarter 2022 compared to adjusted earnings of $4.9 billion ($2.56 per share - diluted) in fourth quarter 2021.
Sales and other operating revenues in fourth quarter 2022 were $55 billion, compared to $46 billion in the year-ago period.
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