24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 02:30

"Belkamneft" started 3D seismic works at Pionerskoye oilfield

Марта 05, 2010

"Belkamneft", a subsidiary of OAO NK "RussNeft" started 3D seismic works at Pionerskoye oilfield. The research is being conducted in conformity with license obligations for geological study of subsoil.

The resullts of the seismic works performed will permit to specify the structure of existing oil deposits, to reveal new deposits within the limits of the license area. Besides, complex data analysis will in future permit to raise efficiency of prospecting and exploration drilling and to minimize the risk of drilling non-productive wells.
On the total in 2010 the geologists are going to process information for 85 square kilometers of the oilfield's area. The results of 3D CDP seismic works and prospective and exploration drilling at Pionerskoye oilfiled will form the basis for conducting the state  appraisal of the reserves, making up the reservoir engineering documents and putting the oilfield into industiral operation.  

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620137 г. Екатеринбург, ул. Студенческая, д. 1 корп. 3
Тел. / факс  (343) 345-09-72
г. Москва, 1-й Дербеневский переулок, д. 5 тел. (495) 287-98-51
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