24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 06:23

Gazprom promgaz developed Moscow Heating Supply Plan

Марта 10, 2010

The Moscow Government Decree approved «Moscow Heating Supply Plan Till Year 2020 Broken Into Two Steps of 2010 and 2015» that was developed by OAO Gazprom promgaz.

The Heating Supply Plan determines the actual heat duties of heat sources, which on average for the city are 20% lower than the volumes specified in the heating supply contracts. The future heat duties and annual heat consumption figures have been estimated; the investment proposals for future development of the energy sources and heat networks of the city have been developed.
It is proposed to base the future development of the city’s heating supply mostly on the existing CHP raising the fuel utilization efficiency including through refurbishment with installation of CCGT units and reduction of specific fuel consumption for electric power generation by near 38g r.f./kW.hr (15% versus 2008 level).
Implementation of the elaborated investment proposals prevents the possibility of deficit of heat and electric power in Moscow, as well as excessive electric power generation for the city.
The Heat Supplying Plan pays special attention to reliable supplies of heat to users of the city. This is the first time in practice when the Heat Supply Plan was drawn taking into consideration, as one of possible accidents, a complete failure of each CHP with users being switched to neighboring heat sources.
The forecasted total natural gas consumption in Moscow for heat and electric power production in 2020 will reach near 28.4 bln. m3 and will enable stabilizing the annual fuel consumption in case of dynamic city development and reduction of energy/output ratio for the internal regional product (IRP) by 43%.
For 2020, natural gas decrease of about 9.1 bln. m3 year versus 2008 figures through energy-saving in heat and electric power consumption and generation systems is planned.
The developed Heating Supply Plan will be updated annually and adjusted once every five years.
This year, on the basis of the Heating Supply Plan, it is planned to develop the Moscow Energy Supply Master Plan till Year 2020, which will comprehensively address the issues of electric power, heating and gas supply of users of the city.

For reference:
OAO Gazprom promgaz is the OAO Gazprom research center for rationalization of the regional energy policy, gas supply, gas distribution and use, development of small fields and coalbed methane reserves.
The Heating Supply Plan was developed by OAO Gazprom promgaz with involvement of OAO Mosenergo, OAO MOEK, and OAO MTK in accordance with the government contract under the order of the Moscow City Fuel & Energy Department within the frames of implementation of the Moscow Government decrees On the Energy Strategy of the City of Moscow till Year 2025 and On the Progress of Implementation of the Cooperation Agreement Between the Moscow Government and RAO UES of Russia in Implementation of Investment Programs for Construction and Re-Construction of Electric Power Facilities in 2006-2007 and 2008-2010 Targets.

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