24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 14:10

IDGC of North-West puts into effect the standard "Clearing of routes for power lines. Security zones of power lines"

Марта 30, 2010

In 2010 within the limits of preparation for passing the autumn and winter period, it is planned to clear 11.8 hectares for 10-110 kV lines.

IDGC of North-West puts into effect the normative engineering document "Clearing of lines for overhead power lines. Security zones of overhead power lines" for the purposes of maintenance of organizational and methodical unity in the process of decision-making.
The standard contains rules of clearing routes for lines and establishing security zones of overhead power lines, requirements to limits for establishing OL security zones (identifying security zones). The document also includes the issues of cutting down trees and bushes within the limits of OL security zones, and cutting down of the trees representing a potential threat of their falling on wires of power lines.
Appendices to the Standard are pattern forms of the notice on the beginning and termination of manufacture of works in respect of clearing routes for lines, patterns of forms of various applications for limits of the security zone, general views of tablets with number and warning signs for various arrangements of a circuit.
The standard is developed by the service for organization of the electric grid complex operation in IDGC of North-West in view of the remarks, specifications and offers which were obtained from the branches of the company. The document incorporates changes of the normative base. The standard of the organization is supposed to be approved by the Federal Forestry Agency in the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
Information: In 2010 within the limits of preparation for passing the autumn and winter period, it is planned to clear 11.8 hectares of the area for 10-110 kV lines. The greatest amounts of works on clearing of routes are in Pskovenergo branch (3.5 thousand hectares) and in Novgorodenergo (2.4 thousand hectares).

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