24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 17:21

Baltic NPP: negotiations with investors

Апреля 06, 2010

Negotiations with potential investors into project of Baltic NPP in Kaliningrad region are to be finished by the end of this year, reported director of engineering activity projects management program of State corporation “Rosatom” Dmitry Tveritinov.

At present time аctive negotiations are carried out with possible participants of the project, investors will be able to take part in the nuclear power plant construction not only with finance, but also with supplies of equipment.
As Dmitry Tveritinov informed, in 2009 at designing of Baltic NPP about 1 bln. rubles were spent. For 2010, financing in the amount of 3.6 bln, rubles is planned, in 2011 this showing will exceed 10 bln.rub
Let us remind that on 25 February, 2010, in Neman district of Kaliningrad region, solemn ceremony of beginning of construction of Baltic nuclear power plant was held. Vice-premier of the Government of the RF Sergey Ivanov, head of State corporation «Rosatom» Sergey Kirienko and Governor of the region Georgy Boos laid commemorative stone with capsule at the place of the construction. We should note that according to the poll performed by research group CIRKON in Kaliningrad region from 21 January till 10 February, 45% of population of the region do not object to construction of Baltic NPP. Answering the question which advantages they see in that a nuclear power plant will be built in their region, the region population most of all calls the following ones: appearing of new jobs (50%, in Neman district — 80%), energy independence of the region (43%, in the capital — 52%), reduction in price for electricity (37%, in Neman district 53%). As the poll showed, some citizens of Kaliningrad expressed potential readiness to change their attitude to construction of NPP to the better one subject to satisfaction of some conditions.
Rosatom offers to potential investors of Baltic NPP two variants of participation in the project: up to 49% in capital of the plant or long-term contracts for electric power supply. As the customer builder of the plant JSC “Concern “Rosenergoatom” is appointed, as general designer JSC “SPbAEP” (100% shares of the company belong to JSC “Atomenergoprom”) is recommended. The NPP will consist of two units, capacity of each will make 1150 MW. The annual circulation of electric power generation will make 17.4 bln. kWh. The personnel number is 1100 people. Service life of the plant equipment will make at least 60 years. The plant will be built under standard project «NPP-2006». At present time, under similar project Leningrad NPP-2 near Saint-Petersburg and Novovoronezh NPP-2 in Voronezh region are being built. The project included evolution technologies developed by Russian atomists in China, at construction of Tyanvan NPP. The NPP safety will be provided by independent protection border and multiple backup systems. Baltic NPP will become one of the largest taxpayers in the region. Only budget revenues of Neman district will grow 16 times. Startup of the first unit of the NPP is planned for 2016, the second – for 2018

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