27 Декабря 2024 | пятница | 12:04

The second stage of reconstruction of backbone substation of region substation 53 begins "Pskovenergo"

Апреля 09, 2010

For all period of work the substation will remain acting. Substation 53 bears about 1/3 of "Pskovenergo" all network load.

In April branch of JSC "IDGC of the North-West" "Pskovenergo" begins realization of the second stage of the biggest long-term project of the investment program of 2008-2011 - reconstruction of substation 110/10/6 кW № 53 "Pskov". Power engineering specialists plan to establish four SF 6 circuit breakers 110 кW: on overhead line "Pskov-1", "Pskov-2", on mains transformer T-1 and  interbus switch MSHV.
Simultaneously all new joinings will be equipped with microprocessor systems of a relaying and the emergency control schemes instead of the out-of-date electromechanical. Works on installation and adjustment of the technological process control system (TPCS) will be spent also. All it will allow to increase considerably efficiency and a faultlessness of actions of staff at the expense of use of more perfect methods and algorithms of submission of the information.
For all period of work the substation will remain acting. Confirming to significance of the given object for region it is possible to notice that the substation №53 bears approximately 1/3 of "Pskovenergo" all network load.
Let's remind that the substation 110/10/6 кW №53 is maintained over 40 years. It is a backbone element of electrical networks "Pskovenergo". The general estimate of cost of complex modernization of substation constitutes near about 427 million roubles (without the VAT).

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