24 Февраля 2025 | понедельник | 23:05

The compact super computer will replace 50 standard computers

Апреля 12, 2010

In State Corporation «Rosatom», transfer of the first compact supercomputer with Russian software of 1 teraflops speed (1 bln. Operations per second), developed by FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF» to JSC «Company „Sukhoy“ took place.

According to director general of State Corporation „Rosatom“ Sergey Kirienko „The system started, the first device is transferred to Company „Sukhoy“, we have clearly synchronized schedule of further works. At the present time we strictly follow the schedule determined by the President’s program“. One of leaders of Russian aircraft building, JSC „Company „Sukhoy“ is key partner of State Corporation „Rosatom“ in the area of application of imitation modeling technologies at supercomputers. Passing to new designing technology based on application of modern computing machinery devices, for JSC „Company „Sukhoy“ will facilitate improvement of competitiveness at the world market, quality improvement and reduction of terms of engineering developments of perspective flying vehicles. Application of mathematic modeling and supercomputer technologies will allow to increase exactness of calculations, reduce engineering risk and avoid serious improvements of flying vehicles in the future.
The compact supercomputer is a universal hardware and software complex for high-speed calculations and does not need expensive engineering systems for operation. Its power consumption and noise characteristics are low. Cost of one supercomputer, according to director of FSUE „RFNC-VNIIEF“ V.E. Kostyukov, makes 1.6 mln. rubles, and can replace about 50 standard computers. Such computing system will represent an everyday tool of most of designers and technologists for performance of multivariant model calculations for obtaining of optimum designer and technological solutions at designing of components and units of complex engineering systems. As explained General Director of „Company „Sukhoy“ M.A. Pogosyan, such devices will allow to resolve tasks of civil aviation connected with emergencies, for instance, such as landing with retracted landing gear.
With the help of such supercomputers, one can model gas-dynamic processes considering strength, research aerodynamics, multicomponent, multiphase filtration – these works can be already started in this year. In 2011 it will be possible to calculate models of hydrodynamics, turbulent mixing, elastic-plastic deformation, destruction, and models on acoustics and heat-and-mass transfer – in 2012. as a result of such developments, Rosatom plans to collect valuable database on all these research lines, that will allow aviation builders since 2012 to proceed to complex imitation modeling. Creation of the first pattern of compact supercomputer in FSUE „RFNC-VNIIEF“ is result of the work of the first stage of the project, at the next stage short-run production of such computers is planned for start.
Equipping of leading high technology sectors enterprises with compact supercomputers with software is an important component of project on creation of basic line of various speeds supercomputers. In accordance with decision of Commission under President of the Russian Federation on modernization and technological development of economy dated 22 July, 2009, implementation of project „Development of supercomputers and grid technologies“ was assigned to State corporation Rosatom. In the framework of the project execution, development of basic domestic software for imitation modeling at supercomputers and introduction thereof into activity of enterprises of various industry sectors is supposed.
By to the end of the current year, FSUE «RFNC-VNIIEF“ will produce 14 supercomputers and transfer them to manufacturers. Nuclear sector enterprises (first of all, designing institutes – «Hydropress“, OKBM Afrikantov, IBRAE RAS, engineering companies – SPB AEP), enterprises of Roskosmos, KAMAZ, as well as aircraft building association NPO «Saturn“ will be among the users.

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