More than 560 ground water sources are monitored on a continuous basis. Departmental industry-sponsored observation network has been in operation since 1969.
The water is analyzed in the central chemical analysis laboratory for the content of more than 40 substances (parameters): chlorides and sulfates, hardness and alkalinity, presence of petroleum products, synthetic surfactants, calcium, heavy metals, pesticides, phenol, etc.
In addition, the chemical analytical laboratories all NGDUs (Oil and Gas Production Boards control the water quality at more than 140 water monitoring stations in 620 underground water sources on a monthly basis.
The average number of samples taken by only one chemical analysis laboratory of the Administration of Water Treatment for Formation Pressure Maintenance, which is a central for OAO TATNEFT, during the year amounts to 2.4 thousand samples with performance of up to 20 thousand analyses.
The total number of water analyses for the whole TATNEFT in the framework of the production control in the field of environmental protection reaches the level of about 85 thousand test water during the year.